Kate Kelly
If you've ever found yourself sitting alone quietly in your personal comfort zone totally enamored by that favorite piece of art hanging on your wall, then you already know the feeling you get as you're gently transported to your very own delightful and wonderful place. That unique experience is the reason I have chosen to devote my entire adult life to the creation of art. My decades long history as an artist includes having worked in oil, watercolor, sculpting and photography, displaying my completed works in hundreds of public exhibits throughout the years, but I have never felt more utterly capable of inspiring, entertaining, and arousing the senses with my images than when I discovered the personal fulfillment of Digital Expressionism. I hope that all my creations here will arouse an emotion within you and create delight in a way that energizes a deep and soulful appreciation of beauty unknown to you before. I want to take you on a journey to the place you've never been. Enjoy the day. Kate